(02) 9723 3661
176 Johnston Road Bass Hill, NSW 2197
Oxford Greens Early Childhood Education Centre is conveniently located near Villawood and Chester Hill; and is highly regarded as providing the very best education, nutrition and safety where children can grow and learn. We are proud to offer a comfortable, fun and stimulating environment for your child, with experienced and qualified staff on hand at all times to educate and assist your children.
We offer a comprehensive curriculum for children from as young as 6 weeks old through to 6 years of age – with each age bracket catered for under different ‘green’ categories known as seedlings, trees, branches and leaves. Inspired by nature and all things ‘green’ the leaves and branches philosophy represents the endless journey required in order to continually grow and expand in life. At Oxford Greens, we understand your child is unique with different learning capabilities; therefore we aim to provide a trusting and caring environment where your child’s personality is fully embraced and supported.
Convenient Daycare Facilities
Our day care facilities are second to none. When you visit Oxford Greens, you will be greeted with a clean, vibrant and welcoming space that feels like home away from home.
As busy working parents’, we understand life can feel like it’s too much to handle at times. Our aim is to help ease some of that pressure and provide a stress free environment for your child to learn and grow in on a daily basis.
Early Childhood Education Centre
We promote parents to be involved in decisions made at our centre as we highly value your input. At Oxford Greens Early Education Centre you will feel welcomed, informed and involved every step of the way. The focus is to educate your children from a social, emotional and physical perspective, while building their confidence and teaching them life skills that will equip them for their later school years.
For enrolment information to our preschool and daycare facility near Chester Hill and Villawood, contact Oxford Greens today on (02) 9723-3661 for a confidential chat about your child’s needs. We look forward to seeing you at our early childhood centre very soon.