(02) 9723 3661
176 Johnston Road Bass Hill, NSW 2197
Oxford Greens Early Education Centre is a dedicated preschool for all children in Guildford, Chester Hill, and Bass Hill. We are committed to helping our students achieve the best learning outcome. We follow a whole school approach to Literacy. The 4 - 6 Leaves room of the Literacy Program at Oxford Greens Early Education Centre has been designed to align with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). We have done by fostering the love of language and supporting the early literacy skills development in an engaging and supportive environment. The program has integrated various activities and resources catering to different aspects of literacy, including reading, writing, listening and speaking. The purpose is to ensure a holistic approach to language development.
A play-based approach encouraging children to explore and experiment with language through meaningful and interactive experiences is central to the literacy program. The Leaves Room is featuring a literacy-rich environment with various materials including alphabet games, writing stations, and storybooks. Educators at our preschool are using these resources to create engaging activities for promoting phonetic awareness, building, vocabulary and comprehension skills. For instance, children develop listening skills, expand their vocabulary and understand the narrative structures from the storytelling sessions, including read-aloud and shared storytelling.
Aligning with the EYLF outcomes, the literacy program of our preschool emphasizes developing strong communication skills through social interaction. Here, the children get opportunities to be engaged in discussions, participating in group activities and verbally expressing their ideas and experiences. Facilitating these interactions, the educators ask open-minded questions, encourage conversations and model effective communication techniques. This is how it supports language development while fostering social and emotional skills since children are learning to articulate their thoughts and listen to others at our preschool.
Additionally, our preschool's program curriculum includes writing activities that are developmentally suitable for children in the 4-6 age range. The preschool itself offers activities that assist children improve their fine motor skills and comprehension of written language, such as letter formation, drawing, and early writing exercises. Educators assist these activities by offering advice and feedback, which helps the children hone their writing ability and boost their self-esteem. Furthermore, our preschool's literacy programs frequently incorporate elements from other curriculum areas, such as science and the creative arts, to give students a context in which to write and to further solidify the relationship between language and various learning objectives.
All in all, the literacy program at Oxford Early Learning Center's 4 - 6 Leaves room at Oxford Greens Early Education Centre is made to offer all of the enrolled preschoolers a thorough and interesting approach to early development. The program promotes each child's development as they begin laying the groundwork for future success in academic and literacy programs and is in line with the EYLF principles. It is made feasible by adding interactive activities, play-based learning, and a stronger emphasis on writing and communication skills.
Our preschool centers are open to welcome the children and help them get into good academic institutions in Bass Hill, Yagoona and Guildford, after completing pre-schooling with us.