(02) 9723 3661
176 Johnston Road Bass Hill, NSW 2197
Oxford Greens is a leading childhood education centre located near Sefton and Lansavale, providing a safe and enjoyable environment for your children to play, learn and grow into balanced individuals. As a parent, we understand your need to know what your child is up to throughout the day. Our program Kinderloop is a unique online platform that allows you (the parent) to login from anywhere and see what your child is doing whilst in our care. This includes a personalised development journey through regular daily reflections, photos and posts – and lots of other fun stuff you’ll be proud of. Our qualified teachers will even upload things going on in the centre, to really give you a sense of being there with us in real time.
Our name Oxford Greens is inspired by all the positive things green represents. Whether it’s salad greens, autumn leaves or lush growing trees, our goal is to educate, inspire and empower children to make healthy lifestyle choices that reflect into their adulthood.
Our experienced day care facilitators are passionate about your child’s long-term health and wellbeing - promoting a range of arts focused programs that utilise music, dance, stage and theatre to educate children about making the right decisions about their health moving forward. Munch and Move is a New South Wales (NSW) Health Initiative that we are involved in and highly promote within our childcare facility.
There’s nothing more important than ensuring the right people are employed at Oxford Greens. Our wonderful staff members are carefully chosen through a thorough interview process and induction period, ensuring they meet all necessary industry requirements and early childhood qualifications. When you enrol at our centre, you can rest assured your child will enjoy every minute of their time with us; and given the utmost attention and care every step of the way.
For a leading preschool and daycare centre near Lansvale and Sefton that cares about the wellbeing of your child, contact Oxford Greens on (02) 9723-3661 or send an email to Jennifer@oxfordgreens.com.au to set up a time to view our facility.